Coaching Professionals
Have the career you want to live, not the one you need to survive.
Are you barely keeping up? Tired of the incessant volume of work? Questioning why you went into your profession in the first place? I am devoted to coaching professionals in Montreal and internationally who want to increase their resilience, enjoy renewed faith in their career choices and design a future they want to celebrate.
A 2017 article in Canadian Lawyer magazine published findings from the
“The more lawyers get paid, the more likely they are to experience depression, dissatisfaction with their career choice and work-life balance conflict…”
This high-performance culture exists in too many professional settings. Practicing at the expense of your life — and yourself — is a recipe for burnout. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can fall in love with your profession all over again.
For a Thriving Practice and Fulfilling Life
Coaching supports you in building the outer skills for:
- Time management
- Organization
- Prioritizing
- Strategizing for increased income
- Business development
- Interpersonal effectiveness
More importantly, coaching helps you build the inner skills for:
- Balancing your personal life with your work life
- Being proactive rather than reactive
- Identifying limiting beliefs and patterns that are not serving you or your practice
- Matching your actions with your intentions
- Overcoming procrastination
- Seeing events as possibilities for learning
- Rolling with failures to strengthen resilience
- Reducing the burden of being overwhelmed
- Agency
- Income
- Self-confidence
- Fulfillment
One-on-one coaching sessions are tailor-made to your needs. You will have a thought partner who is well-versed in the culture and workings of a wide variety of professional settings, including law firms and medical institutions. I am committed to your growth, and willing to challenge you when you are in your own way.
I have more than 25 years’ experience supporting clients in honing their executive functioning skills; the brain-based capacity to plan and execute with intention.
Know what it feels like to be deeply supported by someone who is as committed to your goals as you are