It is my pleasure to support clients develop their personal leadership. Many have kindly offered to share their experiences with you so that you can have an idea of how this work has changed their lives.
Dr. J.D.

This was an amazing workshop, Lynda! I went from minimal knowledge to feeling like I had the start of an inside perspective on ADHD. I found that you presented the information in a very accessible, graspable way. Rather than giving us a bunch of facts, you humanized each aspect of the diagnosis and its experience. So your teaching was not just geared to the intellect, but also yo the part of us that feels/experiences. Each section of the talk then connected well to the next in a very useful, applicable manner. You covered an astonishing amount of relevant info in a short time, and because of all the above (how things fit together, your inclusion of the experience of ADHD et ) it was easily absorbable. What shone through in this talk was your deep understanding of, and empathy for, people who have adhd - you get it intellectually but also holistically. I wished the workshop could go on for longer as a result! I would definitely want to consult you on future ADHD-related cases.

I highly recommend Lynda’s coaching and programs if any of my experience resonates with you. She is a true pleasure to work with and has changed my life in innumerable ways. I am grateful for all of the effort and care that she puts into her coaching. I was in a difficult and stuck place when I started coaching with Lynda. My business was not going well, having gone through a major failure in the previous year that made it very difficult for me to get back to a good feeling about my work. But through our work together, I became more intentional with my time and choices, as well as with my attitudes towards myself and my work. I began to rebuild trust in myself and my ability to be productive. I also began to open myself to more joy in my work. As a result, I’m now making significant progress in my business once again and feel more inspired. I have reduced my stress, increased my confidence, and softened my attitude towards myself and others. I feel kinder, gentler, and more accepting of my challenges as they come up. I feel like I can zoom out more and see the bigger picture in a more holistic way. I feel more in control of my business and life outcomes. And I’m now excited about what the future holds for me and for those around me.

Lynda's coaching has been game-changing. In only a few sessions, her empathetic approach and wise questions have unlocked so many powerful revelations that helped me understand what was blocking me and made me a better leader and person. I highly recommend Lynda to any executives who want to grow in their roles

Lynda, there are two important things I've taken away from our sessions and this workshop that have had a lasting impact. First, I've come to accept that I likely have ADHD, and with that understanding, I've developed more compassion for myself. The second point is about communication. You've taught me to slow down, think, and use language in ways I hadn't before. These are two valuable lessons/tools you have taught me, I am forever grateful to you for this.