A New Perspective
What if the story you keep telling yourself isn’t true?
Your life has a storyline made up of external events, the stuff that happens on the surface. This can mean anything from family dynamics to career challenges. But your happiness and fulfillment depend on what lies underneath — how you show up every day. How you are INSIDE yourself.
What you believe becomes your experience
How you feel internally may not be visible to the rest of the world, but it IS what you live. And this determines the choices you make. If you feel confident, you are more likely to take a risk to grow your business. If you feel the sting of self-doubt, you may play it safe and take no risks at all. Whatever story you hear in your head, you have the power to shift it. You’re in charge.

Change your perspective, and you change what is possible
You CAN choose to think differently. Instead of rehearsing what you don’t want, give full rein to what you do want. Allow creativity, positivity and openness to do their work. Through their perspective, you will begin to see your situation in an entirely new way.
This new way of seeing may feel uncomfortable at first. But that’s how we know we are on our way to something meaningful. Every stage of life has its wisdom – when we choose to pay attention to it.
You may ask yourself:
“Am I yearning for something more?”
This yearning holds valuable information for you.
Give yourself permission for more
What were you thinking as you read through these starting points?
Did you notice the pull inside of you for something better?
Did you realize that you want to change, but you’re not sure how?
Choose to stand up for yourself. There will never be a better time than right now.