ADHD Coaching Success Stories
It is truly remarkable to see the life-altering changes ADHD coaching provides clients when they learn the skills for managing their ADHD. Amy, Jeremy and Andrew are students. Robert, Evelyne and Jared are adults busy with their careers. Their profiles and challenges are typical of the ADHD clients I coach. Whether they were teens or adults, they all experienced deep struggles prior to being coached. Read their stories. Can you relate to their challenges? If so, consider ADHD coaching. It can improve your quality of life significantly.

Robert, a 32-year-old medical resident, was in despair about having failed recent exams. This was not the first time he had failed an exam, but when he did, it always took him by surprise. He was frustrated because he did not understand why this was happening. He was very bright and had won a fellowship, but his career was on the line.
This was Robert’s pattern when he first came to coaching:
- Robert was skipping parts of reading assignments that overwhelmed him. Interestingly, he was not aware he was doing this. He simply turned the pages, thinking he was making good choices.
- When he slowed down to notice this, he told me that a wall of text simply made his eyes glide right off the page, saying, “I just can’t.” He felt he had no focus to be able to take in the material. This was causing him to leave his studying well before he had learned his material.
- Robert was not noticing time go by. He could get lost in a “break” on YouTube for hours. He knew he should be studying but he would tell himself, “That’s okay, I will get back to it.” But he did not actually switch back to his work. He felt inefficient and frustrated.
Results after ADHD coaching:
- Robert was able to know more accurately when he was losing focus, what he could do about it and what things allowed him to work more consistently.
- His self-awareness improved ten-fold.
- He became more strategic in his studying.
- He took steps for the first time in his life to investigate medication for his ADHD.
- He found and took advantage of resources from the teaching faculty.
- He took the risk of changing old habits to try new ones (He liked doing things a certain way-regardless of the results. This new flexibility enabled him to deepen his learning).
- Best of all, he was able to identify-accurately-why he was losing marks on his exams and instead of glossing over confusing parts, found strategies for ‘landing’ on the material efficiently.
- He built in accountability to himself.
- He improved his ability to monitor his thinking and awareness of time.
This was her pattern when she first came to coaching:
- She would take on too much and then back out slowly over time. She hated this as it left her feeling she was chronically letting people down.
- She was often unaware of time and would find towards midday that she had not gotten done what she had intended.
- She wanted to be able to look after herself better. She did not sleep well and needed a lot of exercise, but got injured frequently. She never felt she was fully getting what she needed.
- She believed she had no power to alter her schedule, which was based on her husband’s busy professional schedule, her studies and her two children’s extra-curricular events.
- She wanted to fit more in during her day-despite the feeling of chaos.
Results after ADHD coaching:
- She began to see where she had power to make different choices.
- She became aware that she had competing needs: to stay physically active and to have more rest. This awareness helped her see she could have both if she prioritized effectively.
- She made an inventory of her life. She noticed where the chaos was and began taking steps to address the hiccups. She literally paid attention to what was not working so well.
- She began getting help for her daughter, who also has ADHD, whose behaviour had been challenging.
- She took concrete steps to reduce her commitments IN ADVANCE, so she would not change her mind in the moment 3 months later.
- She put her house on the market so she could be free of the responsibility of a large home.
- When she prioritized, she took concrete steps to ensure she followed through.
- She reported feeling “good”. Her mood was up and she felt in control. She said the coaching had transformed her life.

- He had been highly anxious for years.
- He was living with his parents after a failed marriage and years of unemployment.
- He was having difficulty following through on basic responsibilities.
- His financial troubles were epic and he had serious consequences breathing down his neck.
- He felt overwhelmed most of the time.
- He noticed he could not get himself to do most things. The result was ingrained inertia.
- He was not looking after himself, his health, his taxes or his papers.
- He felt confused and did not know what to do next.
- He had been in treatment for his anxiety with a therapist who noticed that despite his excellent progress, he was still not taking action in his life. She referred him for ADHD coaching.
Results after ADHD coaching:
- He allowed himself to be more aware of his patterns of behaviour. (This was courageous!)
- He took steps to obtain a diagnosis for ADHD.
- He sought medical treatment for his anxiety and his ADHD.
- He successfully took control over his financial difficulties.
- He moved out of his parents’ house.
- He took his first part-time job in years.
- He successfully took care of tasks that he had been avoiding for years.
ADHD Coaching works. It is not an overnight fix; it is a transformational tool for changing the rest of your life. The results are tangible and deep-if you want them to be.
Are you ready to take the first step in creating a better life?
Managing ADHD symptoms can feel impossible, but the reality is that it is possible.
Are you committed to something better? Prepared to do things differently?
You do not need a diagnosis of ADHD to get started. You just need to say “Yes!” to something better.
I invite you to experience a confidential, private ADHD coaching session to experience how this could work for you. There is no cost and no obligation for this session. This is my gift to you.
Take that first step. You are worth it.
Dramatic change often occurs with ADHD coaching. Change is often very personal and sensitive. To protect the names of clients and their employers certain identifying details, including the photos, have been changed to respect their privacy and maintain confidentiality.