ADHD Coaching with Lynda
What I bring to ADHD Coaching
I’m often asked by ADHD adults or parents of children who have ADHD is, “Do you have personal experience with ADHD?” The answer is yes, in multiple ways. For taking charge of yourself and your results.
In my past professional life, I was the Director of Student Success at Centennial College, interviewing all incoming students for needs assessments, and earlier, running support programs to help elementary and secondary students develop executive functioning skills. Closer to home, several members of my family live with ADHD.
This rich background and life experience provides a rock-solid foundation for me to fully understand the difficulties, disappointments and everyday frustrations faced by those with ADHD.
Master Class
Transforming Your Life with ADHD
With ADHD, weak executive functioning makes it very difficult to actually do what you know you want to do including making life affirming changes.
I’ve created this 12 part video series master class just for you — so you can live strategically when your brain doesn’t want to.
You’re the driver. Not your ADHD.

In my ADHD coaching practice
I work with adults from all walks of life, including professionals. I also support university students, teens and their parents.
If you suspect that ADHD is playing a negative role in your life, coaching can help you do better. Here are some things you can expect:
- Learning what ADHD is and is not
- Awareness of where and how ADHD is preventing you from reaching your goals
- Structures to support you in doing what you want to get done
- Individualized strategies to reach your goals
- Accountability and ways to measure your progress
- Confidence in your ability to change your life
Here is what you need to know about ADHD coaching:
It works, but it’s not an overnight fix.
The challenges and successes typically experienced by my adult and teen clients are represented in their personal stories. You might ask, “How did they do it?” The answer is that they did it by showing up and doing the work consistently.
This may sound counterintuitive if you have ADHD, but showing up consistently is the first step.
Results for my clients include increased success in school, work, and in their personal lives. They feel more confident, self-assured and empowered. They also report feeling more in charge of themselves. They are amazed that they have been able to achieve what once seemed like a far-off dream.
In case you are wondering…
ADHD coaching is life coaching with a difference. Like life coaching, it is a transformational tool for improving your whole life concretely and intangibly. I bring the best science and knowledge about ADHD to support you in reaching your goals.
These changes are not just for next week or next month, or to pass a performance review at work; they are for the rest of your life. You simply need to make the decision to do it. Deep change IS possible.
What would your life look like if you achieved results similar to Robert, Evelyne or Jared?
It is important to know that ADHD is not all of who you are. It doesn’t have to define you. You have so much potential; all you have to do is take the first step.
Let’s Talk
If you’re ready for deep, tangible results, here is a first step: join me for a conversation. This will be my gift to you.
There would be no further commitment required and you would leave with insights about yourself and your next best steps.
“I like myself better!”
“I used to think that it didn’t matter what I did or didn’t do. I’d always struggle with this. Now I have learned how to engage in my life, make choices, and actually do what I am supposed to do. And I like myself better!”
– A.M.