There’s a moment when you realize that there’s a voice inside you that has your best interests at heart. That’s the moment when you’re truly free. Free to choose. Free to grow. Free to be who you are.
Your inner voice – your authentic voice – is the source of your integrity in the outer world, and the source of wellbeing in your inner world. It’s your guide, mentor, and coach. It’s naturally curious, compassionate, and confident. And its only goal is for you to thrive. This voice is your internal executive coach.
Can you hear yours?
Maybe you’re not aware of any voices at all. Or maybe there are so many voices that the cacophony causes you to tune out.
Tune back in again.
Your authentic voice is there. Like a quiet sentinel, it’s waiting for you to turn back toward it. That’s all. No big effort required. No campaign or strategy needed.
It’s also true that tuning into your authentic voice can be much harder to do than it sounds.
What makes it all so challenging?
Well, it’s not the only voice with something to say. We all have soldiers, managers and critics inside of us. They mean well. Their aim is to protect us. But they’re often clamouring to get on top of each other to do their job – as if calamity were just around the corner. They create quite a din. It’s loud, noisy stressful and distracting.
Hearing your authentic voice is the polar opposite experience. It’s calm, wise, and kind. Imagine who you would be if you let it lead you? If all your decisions came from your wise self instead of your fearful self?
When you tune into your authentic voice rather than reacting to the din in your head, you’re embracing your inner leadership. Exercising it. Choosing to let it lead your actions and how you show up in the world.
Yes, I’m ready
Executive Coaching is about how to tune in to your authentic voice

Recognize which voice is talking
Get to know the quality of the voices in your head. What does your particular inner voice sound like? How does your body feel when you hear it? How does your body respond to your inner critic? Which voice produces that calm, confident feeling inside? Trust that.
Practice listening to your inner leader
The more often you turn toward it, the easier it will be to access. Carve out your inner route so it feels easier to navigate your way to your authentic voice when you want to. How will you recognize this route when you need it? What will it feel like? What words will you use as road signs?
Be compassionate with all your voices – even the nasty ones
What you push away fights harder to stay in control. Reactivity begets more reactivity. Instead, let your inner leader take its space and inquire of your internal critic, “What would help you know that everything’s ok? That I’ve got this?”
Be patient
It’s all ok. When you notice you’re caught up in the story of an unhelpful voice, celebrate that you caught it. Then make a choice. The act of choosing, redirecting, and re-opening to your authentic voice is an act of liberation. We’re so much more than our fears.
I’m committed to doing this for myself. How about you?
Yes, I’m ready