What Is Coaching?
Cultivating Your Inner Leader
Coaching is an intimate process for becoming the leader of your mind, body, and spirit. When you’re in charge of yourself, you show up in the world in the way that matters to you. You increase your impact and sharpen your results.
Coaching builds your self-awareness so that you act on what is actually, deeply true for you. This self-directed learning increases your agency in all parts of your life and career. By challenging your current perceptions, beliefs and assumptions, you learn to align your actions with your highest goals. You become more muscular in your decision-making and proactive in your choices.
Coaching is about transforming who you currently are so that you make changes for life, not just for today. Every new habit, every new way of thinking, every new way of believing creates new pathways in your brain that will sustain your growth well beyond the coaching period. In the words of Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz: ‘Facilitated self-directed neuroplasticity’.
Coaching is a partnership. You are the curriculum. Coaching is the structure.
When you coach with me, I’ve got your back – unconditionally.
Say Yes to Yourself

Why Choose to Work with a Coach?
You are a capable professional or entrepreneur and have already enjoyed much success. Given that this is true, why would you – or anyone – need a life coach?
One of our gifts as human beings is an instinct for safety. Sometimes this makes it hard for us to see the limiting beliefs and patterns that work against us. To recognize this in yourself, you may ask the following questions: In what way do you hide from yourself? Are you able to spot how? Make the necessary changes?
Life coaching is a powerful process for learning how to stand up for what you want, face your fears and insecurities, and honour your strengths. You become skilled at creating the conditions inside and outside yourself for greater fulfillment. Essentially, it is the training ground for deep self-learning and mastery.
Does Coaching Work?
In the Life Coaching Success Stories section of my website, real clients share their stories about how life coaching dramatically reshaped their lives in positive ways. They highlight how coaching helped them feel happier and more fulfilled.