How often do you slide into a situation and wonder afterward, “How did I ever get here in the first place?!”
If you look back and think about it, you may find that instead of making a clear decision, you just went with the flow – you took ‘the path of least resistance’.
Yes, I’m ready
How much of your life have you spent on this path?
Ask yourself:
Are my requests often being overlooked?
Are my outcomes a little muddy?
Am I up at night worrying about how to make a decision in the very best way?
Indecision leads to procrastination, fractious relationships, and personal stagnation. On top of all that, you end up feeling like to a victim to your circumstances. You hurt yourself by taking yourself out of the conversation. You stand on the sidelines as if you don’t have a voice. As if you don’t count.
Fact: making no decision at all is a decision. You’re letting someone else – or time – decide for you. You’re giving your responsibility away — and with it, your personal power.
If you want tighter results and better relationships – and if you want to feel really good in your skin – start making conscious decisions.
Your decisions don’t have to be perfect. But they do need to be thoughtful and conscious.
7 Guideposts to Powerful Decisiveness:

- Accept that you get to be powerfully in charge of yourself.
- Make sure your decision is rooted in YOUR values – not someone else’s.
- Listen to your gut, your brain, and your body. What are they all telling you?
- Be willing to make a decision that is not perfect – just the very best for today.
- Ask yourself, “What decision do I not want to make? What’s holding me back?”
- Don’t let fear be the decider.
- Be aware of your decision. Be clear about it – to others and yourself. Own it.
Being decisive is about being muscular, clear, and self-directed.
It’s about being the person who’s looking out for you.
Yes, I’m ready